Endlessly useful and always rewarding, these popular workhorses of the shade garden are must-haves for a low-maintenance garden. Of the 4,0000+ cultivars, we stick to long-standing performers in our field production.
We currently grow:
Hosta hybrida 'Blue Cadet' (Blue Cadet Hosta)
Hosta hybrida 'Krossa Regal' (Krossa Regal Hosta)
Green & Fragrant
Hosta plantaginea 'Royal Standard' (Royal Standard Hosta)
Hosta fortunei 'Albomarginata' (White Variegated Hosta)
Hosta undulata 'Aureomarginata' (Gold Variegated Hosta)
​Companions for Hosta

Culture & Care for Hostas
All other differences in cultivars noted below
Hardiness Zones 3-8
Light Part shade to full shade, full sun if consistently moist and protected
Moisture Average to moist
Soil Well-drained, acidic to neutral
Hostas are still one of the most reliable and easy to grow perennials for a shade garden. They are adaptable to most average garden soils of adequate fertility, require almost no-maintenance and if the cultivar is chosen appropriately for the space, can grow for decades without division. We choose varieties that fill in quickly, as smaller, newer selections are known to be slow-growing specimens; we still want these to smother weeds. Our larger selections fill in landscape designs quickly for low cost, or can be used as a focal point in small urban spaces.
Recommendations for growing Hostas
Hostas will adapt to most soils if compost is added, but do best on soil near average to moist, slightly acidic well-drained loam. Water well after planting and during first year of establishment. They do not adapt well to drought or hot, windy locations, so on-going irrigation may be needed to keep leaves lush on these sites. 1-2" of composted bark mulch is always a good idea for hostas and their shade-loving companions to conserve moisture. Low maintenance once established. If desired to rejuvenate, division is easily done in early spring or late fall. For superior slug resistance, we recommend corrugated-leaved varieties; if slugs are not a problem, these all perform well.

Blue Hostas
Hosta hybrida 'Blue Cadet'
Height 6 inches (15 cm), flowers to 12" (30 cm)
Foliage Small cupped blue-green leaves, compact mound
Flower Small lavender flowers, no fragrance
Blooming July
Hosta hybrida 'Krossa Regal'
Height 24-36 inches (60-90 cm)
Foliage Upright vase shape, undulating, frosty blue-gray leaves
Flower Lavender, tall spikes
Blooming July
Sold in 1 gallon pots only
Bareroot divisions available on request
Green & Fragrant Hostas
Hosta plantaginea 'Royal Standard'
Height 24 inches (60 cm)
Foliage Glossy bright green leaves, upright mound
Flower White flowers, outstanding fragrance
Blooming August
Sandy's favourite hedge of 'Royal Standard' has been well-used as a cut flower source for many friends' summer weddings!
See culture and care above
Sold in 1 gallon pots only
Bareroot divisions available on request

Variegated Hostas
Hosta fortunei 'Aureomarginata'
Height 20-24 inches (50-60 cm)
Foliage Thick dark green leaves, with irregular golden yellow margin
Flower Lavender
Blooming July
Hosta undulata 'Albomarginata'
Height 18 inches (45 cm)
Foliage Bright green pointed leaves edged in white
Flower Small pale lavender flowers on tall stalks, no fragrance
Blooming July
Sold in 1 gallon pots only
Bareroot divisions available on request
Companions for Hostas
Ajuga reptans cultivars (Ajuga)
Ferns, native and ornamental
Galium odoratum (Sweet Woodruff)
Pachysandra terminalis (Pachysandra)